Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shandy's Training

I have been working with my mare Shandy and she coming along very well. I am inching my way closer and closer to the day I can finally get to ride her. Right now Shandy and I are working on ground driving and so far it is going pretty well. She is still not very fond of the bit yet, but she is getting better. When I get home from school, I saddle up Shandy and drive her every day up and down the yard. My dad said that if I take my time and build up our trust, I will be riding sooner then if I rushed and didn't have trust. So what daddy was getting at, was one of Monty Roberts famous quotes, "If you act like you u have 15 minute it will take you all day, but if you act like you have all day it will take you 15 minutes". So with that quote and me acting like I have all day, me and Shandy will be loping down the yard in no time.

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